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Damageable is an interface which defines properties, events, and functions for objects which can take damage and die.


Property Name Return Type Description Tags
hitPoints number Current amount of hit points. Read-Write
maxHitPoints number Maximum amount of hit points. Read-Write


Function Name Return Type Description Tags
ApplyDamage(Damage) None Damages a Damageable, unless it is invulnerable. If its hit points reach 0 and it is not immortal, it dies. Server-Only
Die([Damage]) None Kills the Damageable, unless it is immortal. The optional Damage parameter is a way to communicate cause of death. Server-Only


Event Name Return Type Description Tags
damagedEvent Event<Damageable damageable, Damage damage> Fired when the Damageable takes damage. Server-Only
diedEvent Event<Damageable damageable, Damage damage> Fired when the Damageable dies. Server-Only

Dernière mise à jour: September 25, 2021